# Contributing
Contributions to the project are welcome. A good place to start is to look at the opened issues (opens new window) and look for the good first issue
# Code of conduct
By contributing to the project you agree to act respectfully towards the developpers and other contributors.
# Writting
It is not required to have programming knowledge to contibute. We are always looking for people to test the wallet by doing some transaction and reporting bugs or you can contribute by helping to write documentation/tutorials/articles or even translation.
# Design
The wallet can theoritically use any kind of interface/UI, we are looking for people would could help with design and UX. Please reach directly Lola.
# Programmer
If you have some notion of NodeJS and want to contribute you are welcome to do so. Check for opened issues (opens new window) on the github repo.
For developers who really want to contribute and want to learn more about Dogecoin but don't know quite how, we occasionaly have peer programming sessions. Feel free to contact Lola.
Read more about the project here: